Lifestyle Use Case 3: Individual, stress and sleep


D.: strong stress and bad quality of sleep

April 2018


D. decided to run the Lifestyle Assessment to test his balance stress / recovery.

He noticed a lack of focus and a decrease of his efficiency.

Problems found

D. was right because his records showed some signs of exhaustion and pre-burnout.

  • He was sometimes more stressed during the night than during the day.
  • His quality of sleep was very poor.
  • During the day, some activities were really stressful.

We pinpoint them and it was a great surprise for D.


The main point for D. was to sleep better and recover during working time. We worked with him on solutions to improve his recovering and reduce his stress level.

D. started a professional coaching with us in parallel to a medical follow up, to better balance his life by changing daily habits.


Now D. is doing better and is on the way to find back his new balance… Only a question of time!

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